Local charities and not-for-profitsjoined forces recently to network, collaborate and upskill at easternbay of plenty community networkscharities, not for profits and socialenterprises workshop.
Representatives from six charitiesaround the eastern bay arrived at thelightning hub on a friday ready toform new connections, soak in expertadvice and forge future paths.
The event was run by ebopcommunity network (formally the enetwork trust aka tent) and presentedby jeremy bendall of bendalladvisory.
Mr bendall has over 20 years practicalexperience in the not-for-profit, community benefit, charity and socialenterprise sector at grassroots throughto boardroom levels.
The workshop focused on identifyingwhere the organisation stands as acharity, charitable trust, not for profitor social enterprise, and understandingthe relevant changes that are comingto the charities act so they could bediscussed with their respective boards.
“The timing of this forum could notbe better given the pressure on sectorparticipants to find solutions to problemswith sponsorship, fundraising, collaboration, resourcing, technologyadoption, outdated practices and governancemodels that may no longer befit for purpose”, mr bendall said.
“With all the uncertainties and disruptionsthat the covid pandemic hascaused over the past two years, it wasa good time to reflect, have dialoguewith key stakeholders, re-energise andbuild a solid plan.”
Jennifer manning from the ebopcommunity network said the feedbackfrom the workshop had been very positive. She is hoping to host workshopsthree or four times a year to helpnot-for-profits navigate through a post-covid world.
“The seminar was interesting. It wasgood to network with tent and theother organisations that came along”, janene hutchings, who attended fromthe eastern bay life education trust, said.
It is hoped to eventually expand theworkshops to kawerau, opotiki andother areas in the eastern bay. The next workshop is planned foroctober. Details will be posted on thetent. Org. Nz website.