Strategic Business Planning
and Research
Strategic Business Planning
Strategic planning in today’s uncertain world poses many challenges.
Boards, Councils, Trusts and executive teams need get the right mix of knowledge, experience, perspective, innovation and sound process built into strategic planning to ensure quality results, outputs and outcomes.
The strategic plan is a critical reference point for effective governance and leadership. As such the Board and Chief Executive must set out an agreed planning process and timeline with appropriate resourcing and assigned accountabilities.
Too often we see the methodology and process elements of strategic planning inhibit or take precedence over the ‘strategic thinking ‘aspects of planning. Also, repeating the previous planning process and timeline may not be appropriate given significant changes in the business landscape. A fresh perspective, quality research (refer below) and external support may be required to deliver the desired outcome.
For these reasons we are often asked to facilitate strategic planning, ensure alignment with annual Business plans & budgets, and advise on the optimal approach to business planning.
To find out more, contact us for a discussion of how we can help you.
One of the greatest risks faced in business is ‘not knowing what you don’t know “, not keeping pace with market trends, threats and opportunities. This is crucial to achieving good strategic focus & sustainability, risk & resilience, and organisational agility and learning outcomes. We feel it also incumbent on advisors such as ourselves to bring a fresh perspective and new knowledge to our client’s table.
We have excellent capability in providing cost effective targeted research. This can be undertaken as a special Assignment or integrated into other key services.
To find out more, contact us for a discussion of how we can help you.
Outcomes sought:
Greater strategic foresight, growth & sustainability
robust decision making
focused innovation & collaboration
strong risk management & resilience
active learning, health & wellbeing
more effective governance & leadership